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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blogging through the Month of Day....Everyday? Day One

Well, we'll try it! If you notice the button in my sidebar then great! I'm relatively new to blogging and had to find a tutorial for adding the button. But it looked like it worked.

This is technically Day 2 (May 2nd) and I didn't discover this blogging project until yesterday evening. I'm going to post for Day One because that was only yesterday and the OCD in me says we CANNOT start with Day Two. LOL!

I'm supposed to write the story of my life in 250 words or less so here goes:

I was born overseas on a military base. Came to the states at age 2 1/2. I am a Christian who believes in living what Jesus tells us in His Word. I grew up in a fabulous Christian home. I have two brothers. I've been in public school, Christian school, and homeschooled. I went to college for a couple years. My parents passed away within three years of each other when I was in my twenties. I've been happily married to my best friend for over 18 years. I have three kiddos. Two boys; one girl. The oldest is 16, the next is 11 and my little girl is 8. We have homeschooled for eleven years. We live in a little rural town. I love to read! Mostly historical fiction. I like to organize things when I have extra time.  I like to travel and see beautiful places in our great country of America. We are a musical family. Hubby plays violin; I play piano, clarinet, and alto saxophone. Oldest plays percussion. Younger son plays guitar and daughter plays violin. She's starting piano next week. That's us in a nutshell.

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