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Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 27

This assignment is a letter to my readers. There are many paths I could go down, but I think I'll do this one since mine is a fairly new blog.

Dear Readers (and Hopefully-Soon-to-Be Readers/Followers),

Don't expect a fancy blog here but expect real life. I'm first and foremost a Christian who actually lives it. I'm a wife who loves my husband more than anything or anyone else. I'm a mother who thinks my kids are the best ever. I'm a pastor's wife who takes this calling seriously. I'm a homeschooling mom who loves teaching my kids.

So don't expect to see pictures of a pristine home, but neither will you see a trashy, dirty "dump". I will not post gourmet meals with ingredient names I can't pronounce, but you will see recipes/photos for good healthy meals as I try to feed my family.

I didn't start this blog to garner followers (although I'd love that) but rather to keep somewhat of a journal, if you will. I enjoy writing and this is a good outlet to do so.

Transparently yours,

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