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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Blogging Through May Day 4

My Favorite Quote:

My very favorite quote is from a poem by Robert Frost. The poem is called The Road Not Taken. The quote I love from it is this:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.    
I love the quote because it's beautiful and poetic. But I love it for more than that. It goes deeper. I feel I have taken a road less traveled by. I don't follow the norm or the crowd. I am not afraid to be who I am and that is because I'm following the road of Christ. Not just saying I am a Christian but actually being one. Living it daily. That is not common in this day and age.
I also homeschool my children which is not the norm, although it is growing by leaps and bounds.
I'm also a stay-at-home-mom which is not the norm. I'm thankful my husband can provide for our family and I can stay home to raise them and keep the household things "running".
I even have a Pinterest board called The Road Less Traveled that goes along with my thoughts about the poem. I don't have many pictures on this board but they are pictures of roads that seemingly lead where you can't see the end of them.
If you've never read the poem, go read the whole thing. It's short but profound.

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