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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 22 of Blogging Through the Month of May

Today is my birthday! Yay!! But that's not what I'm blogging about today. The assignment for today is to rant about something. Get up on my soapbox and rant!

I'm really not a "ranter" but I guess I can have my buttons pushed enough to rant occasionally.

I guess since it's my birthday and I'm trying to catch up on blogging and feel more like having fun than ranting, I'll pick something easy.

How about.....gas prices!! Our gas prices in our area have sky-rocketed to $3.99 per gallon! From $3.27 less than a week ago. We heard it's because one of the refineries in our area was closed down for maintenance so they are having to bring the gas in from farther away. What???? So they gouge us because the refinery didn't pass muster? Please, people, be a little easier on our budgets!!

There. Do I feel better? Only because I'm finally caught up with this blogging assignment. LOL!

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