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Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 31--Last One!

Whew! I've made it through the blogging through the month of May challenge. By the skin of my teeth!

Today I am supposed to write about a vivid memory I have. This is tough. I have lots of vivid memories.

I suppose some very important vivid memories are my wedding day (over 18 years ago) and the days of my children's births (16, 11, and 8 years ago).

I remember them very vividly but this is not the time or place to share birth stories.

Some more vivid memories I have are of traveling. I have been lots of places! Mostly by car, some by plane.

I would say most of my vivid memories involve people rather than things, events, or places.

I don't know that I can just pick one but suffice it to say that I have lots and lots of memories and I love recalling them! I hope when I'm an old lady I can still remember great parts of my life.

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