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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 30

Woo-hoo! I'm on time again! The assignment today is to react to the saying "letting go". This is approprate for me this week I think.

I have 3 children: a son age 16, a son age 11, and a daughter age 8.

My 16 year old son will be getting his driver's license this week. Yikes! And also, on Tuesday, I enrolled him in college classes for this fall. He will be doing concurrent classes to earn both high school and college credits all at once. It's a great program, but wow! This would normally happen at age 18 as far as college classes go. So I feel like we've rushed somewhat, but then it's a nice feeling to remind myself that he's only 16. I still have him a few more years.

So, do I like letting go? In some ways it's exciting. In some ways it's sad. Bittersweet maybe? I think that's how I would sum it up. Bittersweet.

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