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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Late Again!!! Day 24

Today's assignment (yesterday's, rather) was to tell my top 3 worst traits. Yeah. A little hard here.

The first one I can think of is that I get easily overwhelmed. Just a simple task (such as my brother-in-law asking unexpectedly if he can come down today for Memorial Day weekend) is not just simple to me. I see the whole picture (and 10 times more) of what all I have to change, rearrange and do differently than I had planned. I guess in short, I don't do well with my plans being changed. I plan things out mentally and then have a hard time rearranging them.

The second negative trait about myself is more of a physical thing I think. I can't seem to operate without 8-9 hours of sleep per night. I get really tired, have a headache and I'm so sluggish. Like today. I got in bed at 12:30 and back up at 5:30 to pick up my Bountiful Basket. (I'll blog more with photos about that later). I came back to bed for a short while but I'm just "blah". I need a nap!

The third negative trait about myself is that I can't say no. I take on so much more than I need to because I can't say that simple little word. N-O.  Maybe this ties in with the first trait?

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