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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 7: What I Am Most Afraid Of

Snakes. Frogs. Lizards. Yikes! I hate even reading the words.

Drowning. That's a horrible fear I have. So yes, it does make me afraid of water and afraid for my kids to be in water. They can swim and swim in our home pool but other water scares me for them.

Cancer. It has touched too many people really really close to me. So I do have a real fear of it. I've seen what it can do.

Flying in an airplane. I have to fly from time to time but I don't like it. I used to until we had a strange happening once and started nosediving toward the ground shortly after take off. Every since then I have been afraid.

By the way, join me as I blog through the month of May with Jenni at Story of My Life.  This is day 7 and it's not too late to jump in! See my button on my blog page for more info.

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