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Friday, April 12, 2013

More Organized Pinterest Boards

Have I mentioned yet how much i like LOVE Pinterest! I don't "do" social media, but this I will do. There is something relaxing to me about pinning my favorite things. As I mentioned in a previous post, here, I have been trying to clean up my boards. I'm paring them down to only my most favorite things. And yes, sigh....., I still have over 4,000 pins! Here are 5 more boards I have organized:

#1Landscaping This was a hodge-podge of anything outdoorsy and I tried to streamline it to flowers, flowerbeds, etc.

#2 Canning and Preserving This board is just what it says. I learned how to can a few years ago and I really like it. Because of the drought the past 2 years, I haven't had much bounty to can. Maybe this year? I love the peppers I have pinned lately.

#3 Organizing and Storage Ideas This board is for cool ideas I've found for storing and organizing things. I'm pretty organized over all, but I like finding new creative ideas.

#4 Fun and Cool I only have 10 pins on this board, but these are fun/cool things I think are noteworthy.

#5 Crock Pot Main Dishes I had pinned so many crock pot recipes, I finally had to split them into separate categories. I have other crock pot boards but they're not organized yet. This one is, obviously, for main dishes.

And last of all for my post today:

#6 For the Freezer This board is full of things for the freezer. Great ideas! And freezer cooking ideas.

Feel free to visit my boards and repin to your hearts content! I love to follow other people too. If you think I'd like to follow you, please leave a comment with your Pinterest profile.

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