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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pinterest Clean Up

Pinterest is wonderful and fantastic. I love it! But...I have over 4,000 pins. Yes, you read that right! Over 4,000. And 95 boards (plus my 3 secret boards which I will NOT tell you about!!!) But I realized that in the "newness" of Pinterest several months ago I wildly pinned almost anything and everything, thus the 4,000 plus pins.

So, I decided to clean up. Major! So far I have cleaned 4 out of my 95 (plus 3 secret)boards. I am deleting anything that just isn't me. I have to love it, or at least REALLY like it for it to remain on my boards. I am also deleting things I pinned more than once. What, you mean you never do that? I mean out of the millions of pins out there, surely I could realize I've already pinned something. Pinterest, are you listening? Please create a feature that would alert the pinner if they've already pinned the board. Pretty please? Thank you for considering this request from a pin-deranged mama!

I want to share the four boards I have cleaned up, and as I clean up more I will share those as well. But meanwhile, feel free to check out all of my boards! Just remember, they're cluttered right now.

1. Board #1 Beautiful Places I Want to See. This board features places I would love to see, as long as time and money weren't an issue. LOL. I also deleted places I know I will never see unless you hog-tie me or drug me first. That would be any place I have to cross the ocean to get to. I have a fear of flying across large bodies of water. So you won't find pins of European countries or exotic faraway islands on this board. You *will* find pins of our beautiful United States of America, yes ma'am.

2. Board #2 Homeschool. This board has neat ideas I have found concerning homeschooling. Some are teaching methods, some are scheduling methods, planners, and other creative ideas. I really don't pin a ton on here because I have pretty much found our groove and I'm not in the market for lots of new things.

3. Board #3 Tiny Thoughts with Huge Meaning. This is one of my favorite boards that I have. I feel this board really reflects who I am. The way I think. The things I've been through. The things I believe. If it's on this board, you better believe I believe it. Believe that?

4. Board #4 Decorating My Home. This board is a work in progress. In more ways than one. I'm constantly changing my ideas about decorating so this board is/could be always changing. And the actual decorating is a work in progress. Enjoy!

Feel free to follow any or all of my boards that you're interested in. Except my 3 secret boards of course. Those are mine. Don't touch!

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