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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

No Sugar!

Sugar-Free?!?  Make lemon iced tea.

So, I have been almost completely sugar-free since March 1st. I have been a heavy, heavy sweet-tea drinker--anyone else out there relate to that? In fact, I drank so much tea that I NEVER drank water anymore. I kind of justified it by thinking tea is made from water, right? I decided to get off the sweet tea and most other sugar. And no sugar substitutes--they are poison in my mind! But then again, isn't sugar?

I was smart enough not to get off "cold-turkey" because I knew I would have caffeine withdrawal headaches. I gradually started diluting my tea more and more with water until it was ALL water. I really really miss it in some ways but I feel so good about it in other ways.

I used to also drink Dr. Pepper at restaurants and I've been able to skip that too. Yay for me!

I have had pancakes with syrup twice. What do you substitute for syrup? Does real maple syrup count as "sugar"? (I'd love to hear from you!)

Has anyone else ditched the sugar? Leave me a comment about how it went for you.

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