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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

French Soup

....or is it? My paternal grandmother was French. Her maiden name was LaMarche if that tells you anything.  She made a soup called Bibette soup. We pronounce this bib-ut.  It looks French, but sure doesn't sound French. I never ate the soup she made, but she taught my mother (her daughter-in-law) how to make it. My family loves it! When my brothers are here visiting, this always shows up on the menu for "old times sake".  The soup only takes 3 ingredients plus water and isn't what I would call "healthy". But it does fill the belly.

The bread is not an ingredient. It just happened to be in the photo. The ingredients are: 2 cups uncooked elbow macaroni, 1 8 oz. can tomato sauce, and 1 packet of Lipton Soup Secrets Noodle Soup.  Fill pan with 6-8 cups of water. Enough to boil the macaroni. Once it is boiling, add the macaroni and soup packet. Boil for 10 minutes or as directed on macaroni package.

This is what the soup looks like at this point as it is boiling. After the ten minutes are up, add the can of tomato sauce and turn the burner to low.

This is how the color changes after adding the sauce. Stir well! I think what really make this meal for us is the sides we serve it with.
Sharp cheddar is a must. Bibette Soup is not the same without it! Now, I'm not sure my grandmother served it with our accompaniments, or if somehow over time it kind of "evolved".
 This particular time, I had a loaf of Everything French Bread from Wal-Mart. I typicaly make homemade bread to go with it, but this worked in a pinch.

Ah! Bibette Soup with sharp cheddar and French Bread. Maybe the only thing really French about this is the bread, oui? 

Has anyone ever heard of this meal? I would love to hear from you!

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