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Friday, March 22, 2013

Homeschool Musings

I love, love, LOVE to homeschool! Did I mention I love it? Well, I do! I am in the latter part of my 11th year of homeschooling. Homeschooling is all that my 3 children (almost 16, 11, and 8) know. They have never experienced bullying, teachers yelling, yucky cafeteria food, and (GASP!) a ride on the imfamous yellow school bus. Yay!

What they have experienced is learning together as a family, a teacher who will meet them where they are academically, becoming best friends with each other, three home-cooked (mostly) meals a day, and whichever and whatever field trips we plan all traveled to in our blue mini van.

I love it! But I don't just love that. I love the process of homeschooling. I love to teach. I think if I never would have married, I would have been a teacher. I actually finished 2 years of college towards that end. But then love happened and I never looked back. And God saw fit to let me be a wife, mommy, AND a teacher--of my own kiddos! Without having to finish my degree. LOL!

I also love to see the new curriculum catalogs come to my mailbox. I immediately take out the old, outdated catalog and replace it with the new. However, I have learned to fight off the "Grass-Is-Always-Greener" syndrome. I know what works for us and what doesn't work for us and why.

For example, I love the Sonlight catalog. Well, I used to love it more when it showed each and every book and had a short "blurb" about the book. It was a great reference. But I know it won't work for us. I don't agree with a lot of their book choices and we are not a lit-based learning family.

I love most of all seeing that my children are "getting" it. Not just another worksheet done or another lesson plan marked off for the year. But actually learning! That is so rewarding.

Feel free to share your thoughts about what you love about homeschooling. More homeschooling posts will be coming shortsly.

1 comment:

  1. "God saw fit to let me be a wife, mommy, AND a teacher--of my own kiddos!" <----Love that!! Thanks for inviting me over!
