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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Recently .....I've Been......

Sick: with bronchitis apparently. Not fun!

Cooking: you would think not much. But the life of a stay-at-home-mom calls for feeding your family no matter how you feel. This past Saturday, we had friends over for a cookout. Hubby grilled chicken, smoked sausage, and hot dogs. My friend and I made twice baked potatoes and corn on the cob. Sunday we had a  BBQ dinner at church which I was in charge of. The only part I had to actually make was the salad and fruit kabobs. Everything else was purchased pre-made. Yay! Yesterday we had leftovers from both of those meals.

Reading: the second book in a series by Tamara Alexander. I had never read her books before but she is excellent! The first book, Rekindled, was one of the best books I've ever read. And believe me, I've read a lot of books.The second book, Revealed, is good as well. I'm getting lots of extra reading time in since I don't have energy to do much else.

Supervising: the BBQ dinner at church mostly. Today I'm supervising my highschooler from a distance to keep him on task, my 5th grader who is sick in bed with fever and headache, and my 3rd grader on what she needs me to help her with in school.

Making: piles of kleenexes, piles of laundry, and hoarse rasping noises when I try to talk.

Thinking: that by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5. God gave me that scripture about 2 weeks ago. Little did I know how quickly I would come to rely on it!

Isaiah 53:5

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