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Monday, April 1, 2013

Goals for April

I don't know if anyone really cares about my goals, but maybe listing them and knowing they are out in cyber land somewhere will motivate me to keep up with them.

Today is April 1st so I'm going to list my goals for the month of April.

1--Blog more! This is new to me and I'm struggling to find time to sit down and blog.

2--Sell used homeschool items on Ebay. I started this 2 weeks ago but I need to finish.

3--Clean my middle child's room thoroughly. Definitely declutter!

4--Grade and file schoolwork. Why is this such a monster?

5--Take my 2 jars of coins to the bank to cash in and pay toward bills.

6--Replant tomatoes and peppers. I planted too early and they froze.

7--Weed my flowerbeds and start getting them pretty for spring.

8--Register my children for taking the Stanford test. We are not required by law to test, but I do it every year so I can see progress and weak areas.

9--Organize more Pinterest boards.

10--I tried to think of one more to have an even "10", but I can't come up with anything. Aha! I just thought of it. Tackle my mending pile.

Does anyone else list goals on your blog? Why or why not? Please share!

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