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Monday, June 10, 2013

For Today

Outside my window.....  bright sunshine after the rain and storms we've had over the last few weeks.

I am thinking.....of my responsibilities next week that are very pressing.

I am thankful family.

I am wearing...a blue jean skirt and bright orange blouse. I'm barefoot as usual.

I am reading....a 3-in-1 book I picked up at Mardel's for $1.00. It's called Georgia Brides.

I am headache goes away before I go shopping this evening.

I am praying....for an extremely urgent situation regarding an old friend.

Around the house....I need to have a yard sale! I'm tired of the yard sale piles.

From the kitchen.....I'm trying to figure out what to have for supper tonight.

One of my favorite spending time with my hubby.

A few plans for the rest of the week.....pack and leave for Florida.

From the learning rooms.....we are desperately trying to finish school before we go.

I am children eating lunch while playing the grossest game ever--Would You Rather?

Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 31--Last One!

Whew! I've made it through the blogging through the month of May challenge. By the skin of my teeth!

Today I am supposed to write about a vivid memory I have. This is tough. I have lots of vivid memories.

I suppose some very important vivid memories are my wedding day (over 18 years ago) and the days of my children's births (16, 11, and 8 years ago).

I remember them very vividly but this is not the time or place to share birth stories.

Some more vivid memories I have are of traveling. I have been lots of places! Mostly by car, some by plane.

I would say most of my vivid memories involve people rather than things, events, or places.

I don't know that I can just pick one but suffice it to say that I have lots and lots of memories and I love recalling them! I hope when I'm an old lady I can still remember great parts of my life.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 30

Woo-hoo! I'm on time again! The assignment today is to react to the saying "letting go". This is approprate for me this week I think.

I have 3 children: a son age 16, a son age 11, and a daughter age 8.

My 16 year old son will be getting his driver's license this week. Yikes! And also, on Tuesday, I enrolled him in college classes for this fall. He will be doing concurrent classes to earn both high school and college credits all at once. It's a great program, but wow! This would normally happen at age 18 as far as college classes go. So I feel like we've rushed somewhat, but then it's a nice feeling to remind myself that he's only 16. I still have him a few more years.

So, do I like letting go? In some ways it's exciting. In some ways it's sad. Bittersweet maybe? I think that's how I would sum it up. Bittersweet.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 29

Today's assignment is to post 5 songs or pieces of music that speak to me or bring back memories.  This girl is 8 years old and sings wonderfully! Love it. Her mom died of cancer and she sings in memory of her. I can relate to that. "Through It All" by Selah. This song speaks to me. Each word is true. "In Awe".  Of God and all He has done and does do for me. Sheri Easter--"Praise His Name".  Love everything about it!  I heard this on a Gaither Homescoming CD. I love it! The harmony is beautiful.

Day 28 (one day late) Pictures Only

Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 27

This assignment is a letter to my readers. There are many paths I could go down, but I think I'll do this one since mine is a fairly new blog.

Dear Readers (and Hopefully-Soon-to-Be Readers/Followers),

Don't expect a fancy blog here but expect real life. I'm first and foremost a Christian who actually lives it. I'm a wife who loves my husband more than anything or anyone else. I'm a mother who thinks my kids are the best ever. I'm a pastor's wife who takes this calling seriously. I'm a homeschooling mom who loves teaching my kids.

So don't expect to see pictures of a pristine home, but neither will you see a trashy, dirty "dump". I will not post gourmet meals with ingredient names I can't pronounce, but you will see recipes/photos for good healthy meals as I try to feed my family.

I didn't start this blog to garner followers (although I'd love that) but rather to keep somewhat of a journal, if you will. I enjoy writing and this is a good outlet to do so.

Transparently yours,

Day 26--late again...ughhhh

The assignment is to write about something we read on line and discuss it. I'm going to have to pass on this one. I'm drawing a blank. When I do read online, it's mostly blogs. I'm going to have to say "sorry".